"Technical Guides" search result

Basic knowledge

.客户端 SDK v1.13 数据导入 Overall process Sensors Analytics provides a very complete data access solution, no matter what kind of technical architecture your product

Data model

Events, the Sensory Analysis team also provides corresponding technical support and services. In addition, we have summarized some basic principles here, hopin

Online Upgrade

technical support Note:The validity period for upgrading detection results is 4 hours after the results are released, and the next step of "configuration … . T

Data format

one, please read Identify users before using, and contact our technical support staff when necessary. { "distinct_id":"130xxxx1234", "original_id … after UTF-

Google AMP (Web)

/documentation/guides-and-tutorials/learn/amp-caches-and-cors/how_amp_pages_are_cached/?format=websites, and the domain name of the AMP web pages … /documentati

Metric Creation

or indicator insensitive caliber Metric rule Metrics basic information, metrics data/technical caliber Metric data constraint Metric basic information, creator

Minor version upgrade

.png If the upgrade is not possible, contact Sensors technical support 3.png If the server does not have the external network permission, contact Sensors techni

Product after-sales support service

Product use answer 1, Provide product use of consultation and answer questions 2. Provide logical answer based on product function Technical expert accompanimen

Source of data in Sensors Analytics

marketing and push. At the same time, various technical measures are implemented to ensure the security of customer data. For example, the use of HTTPS … for